Mental Health and Stress
In the Time of a Pandemic
Coping with Stress

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. With the increased stress this year it is important to understand the best ways to cope with your stresses and take care of your mental health.
People with pre-existing mental health conditions or substance abuse disorders are more vulnerable in emergency situations such as a pandemic. Make sure you are aware of your symptoms and report any new symptoms to your doctor or pharmacist
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/​
Treatment Services Locator Website https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/ ​
Take breaks from reading, listening, or watching news, including social media, repeatedly hearing about everything going on can increase stress and anxiety
Take care of your body
Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals​
Get plenty of sleep
Exercise regularly
Try stretching, meditating, or breathing exercises to help unwind
Avoid excessive alcohol or drug intake
Keep in contact with friends and loved ones
It is normal to feel sad, angry, or frustrated right now during a crisis like this, talking to people you trust can help
Even though we can't physically be together there are many other ways to keep in contact such as phone, social media, and zoom​
Have a plan for what to do if your or a loved one does get sick
Be aware of testing centers in your area​
Know where you can go to seek treatment
Look into counseling services such as TeleHealth, which is widely available and can be done from the comfort of your own house
Side Effects of Stress and Anxiety to be on the lookout for
Trouble sleeping and/or eating​
Increased blood pressure
Tension throughout the body
Difficulty sleeping
Increased worries
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any supplements​
Lemon Balm
Has shown effectiveness in anxiety and stress​ reduction
Clinical research shows that using lemon balm extract decreased anxiety symptoms in patients with anxiety disorders
Research shows that taking a single 600mg dose of lemon balm extract increased calmness and alertness in healthy adults
Lemon balm has shown safety when used for short-term treatment (up to 4 months)
Small evergreen shrub that grows in India, the Middle East, and part of Africa​
Research shows that taking 240-600mg daily for 60 days reduces perceived stress
In some trials taking ashwagadha root 300mg twice daily for 12 weeks reduced patient's anxiety levels
Green Tea
Some research trials have seen a reduction in stress levels when patients took a specific brand of green tea extract (Teavigo) 300mg orally for 7 days​
There is contraindication on valerian's effectiveness with reducing anxiety. There was one study that showed a reduction in anxiety in patients with mild anxiety when valerian 100mg was taken three times a day for 21 days​
A handful of studies found that taking valerian 600mg daily for 7 days prior to participating in a mental stress session helped decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of pressure
Kava Kava
Most studies have found that specific kava kava extracts have relieved symptoms of non-psychotic anxiety far more than a placebo​
Kava kava has shown safety in studies when used orally and short term (up to 6 months)
Stop into Cedar Springs Pharmacy for more information on these supplements and pick some up for yourself or your family!